April 11, 2010

Mini Lush Haul! + EOTD

Helloo prettty ladies :) Hope you all had a great Sunday! So my mom and I made a trip to the mall today just to check some things out; and we convieniently made a trip to LUSH! I wanted to purposely try out their Demon Angel(i think that's the name) facial scrub cause I was always so curious about it! It's like this black powder that looks like coal, LOL. So here's what I got.

-Limited Edition Naked Gift Set
-Brazened Honey Mask
-Love Lettuce Mask
-Ultra Light Moisturizer Sample
-Coolaulin Hair Conditioner Sample

Inside the Naked Package

LUSH Face Masks in Brazened Honey and Love Lettuce

Yay for Samples!


Products Used:
MAC Rubenesque Paint Pot
MAC Tan Pigment
Coastal Scents 88 Palette
MAC Blacktrack Fluidline
Maybelline Full and Soft Mascara



  1. the naked set was tempting me, but i only wanted 2 items so i just skipped it. love lettuce is pretty awesome :]

  2. love ur purchases, i love lush, all their products just smells good. i like the way you've done with your eyes, very pretty!

  3. wow thats a lot of lush goodies!!! Its so cool how their products have the coolest and unique names :)

  4. whenever we drop by at lush' store my husband always sneezes,he have sensitive nose that is why i cant go inside cause he keeps on pulling me away hehe,i love their bomb bath soaps

  5. I love the sets LUSH comes up with. Great stuff girl! By the way I gave you an award on my blog..you probably have it already but what can i do, i love your blog!

  6. Hey girl thanks for commenting on my blog! And yes, Sephora here in Canada is accepting the discount as long as your a Beauty Insider. You should definitely take advantage of it!! And no way, your from Toronto..soo am I :)

    Oooo the Lush Naked Kit I wanted to pick that up, do you know if they still have it in stores?



All the products featured on this blog were purchased by me, unless otherwise stated. If a product was sent by a company, it will be stated within the post. All reviews are my very own personal opinion, and are not influenced by anybody or any company whatsoever. Please ask permission before taking any photos, as if I see my photo being used w/o permission, I will politely ask you to remove it. Thanks!


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