July 20, 2012

Out Goes the Old, In Comes the New (New Blog)

Hello all,

You know when all good things come to an unfortunate end, something good always blooms after it? I guess this is a similar situation. I've been writing Every Girl's Little Addition for three years now and it has definitely been a great and rewarding experience for me. Unfortunately I feel as though to the fault of myself, I have many followers who simply followed me for giveaway requirements and did not actually read my blog on a regular basis. I guess now I understand that having a lot of followers doesn't validate the quality of my blog at all. Therefore, I have decided to end this blog and start something new from scratch.

There's no need to sound so pessimistic; I have actually decided to start a new blog! Again, it will be makeup oriented, but will have more of a personal twist. I guess another reason why I decided to let go of this blog all together was because I was somewhat less mature three years ago than I am now, and I'm undoubted somewhat ashamed of the poor grammar, haha.

Click HERE to come to my new blog!


PS. This time I swore to myself that I will keep posted. The idea of people following me from this blog to my new one is extremely warming and deeply encouraging. See you at the new blog!

May 6, 2012

Massive Haul: NARS/Shiseido + Lisa's Cosmetics Warehouse Sales

Hello ladies! It has really been a long time no talk. Not trying to give excuses or anything, but my family has been recently moving houses and I'm surprised there's just so much to do. Changing addresses, moving everything, connecting internet... etc. The other half of reason for not posting was just that I've gotten lazy; I sort of fell off the posting bandwagon and just didn't catch back on. Alright enough of that, the important thing is that I'm here now right? :)

 If you're a long time reader, you'd know I'm a huge warehouse sale go-er! The month of May has been wonderful to me so far; blessing me with both the NARS/Shiseido Warehouse Sale AND the Lisa's Cosmetics Sale all at the same time! Here's just a quickie background on the sales: Shiseido is a 3 day sale with Friday being invite only and Sat/Sun being open to public. Lisa's happens for three consecutive weekends and is always open to the public. These sales are both in Markham, Ontario (just where my parents happen to live, teehee) and offer crazy discounts! I went to Lisa's on Tuesday and Friday and Shiseido on Saturday.

A little Math:
I spent about $80 at the Shiseido Sale and about $70 at the Lisa's Sale which totals to $150, but all this stuff would've cost me $450 retail!

Goodies.... :D!

Revlon Hair Brush $3 from Lisa's

La Coupe Orgnx Shampoos $2 Each from Lisa's

Loreal Natural Match in Dark Brown $5 from Lisa's

Revlon Quads in Priceless Metals and Sunrise, Sunset $4 Each from Lisa's

Sally Hansen Face Wax and Hair Remover $1.50 each from Lisa's

Maybelline Pulse Perfection Mascara $6 each from Lisa's *LOVES

Schwartzkopf Deep Conditioning Hair Mask $1 each from Lisa's

Marcelle Makeup Remover Wipes $5 from Lisa's

Joico K-Pak for Damaged Hair + Reconstructing Mask $8 from Shiseido

Sally Hansen Spray On Hair Remover + Pedicure in a Bottle $1.50 from Lisa's

Sally Hansen Cuticle Remover and Pusher $2 from Lisa's

Sally Hansen Body Scrub $2 from Lisa's

Joico Reconstructing Mask $4 from Shiseido

Marcelle AC-Solution Set $4 from Lisa's

Joico Hairspray (such a pretty bottle) $3 from Shiseido

NARS Duo Shadows in Dogon, Exotic Dance and Rajasthan $10 Each from Shiseido

Evolve Shampoo and Colour Protectant $5 from Shiseido

La Coupe Curl Enhancing Mousse $3 from Lisa's

Joico Spiker Gel (for the boy) $5 from Lisa's

Annabelle Lipstain $6 from Lisa's

Revlon Break Up Nail Art $2.50 from Lisa's

B.E. Base Coat $2, Sally Hansen Top Coat $1 from Lisa's

Sally Hansen Polishes $1 Each from Lisas

Magnetic Polish $2.50, Sally Hansen $1 from Lisa's

Trivoli Polishes $1 Each from Lisa's

NARS Polishes in Desperado and Night Rider $5 Each from Shiseido

Shiseido White Lucent Brightening Emulsion $32 from Shiseido (for mommy)

Jean-Paul Gaultier Classique Summer Perfume $25 from Shiseido

Shiseido Balanced Foundation $15 from Shiseido
Lastly, here are some photos I took while waiting in line! The first picture was about 30 minutes into the line, and the second was 1.5 hours later just before I got inside. As you can see, there were easily a few hundred people waiting in line before it even began! I thought I was crazy for going at 7:30 when the sale opens at 9. Guess I wasn't the only one!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this little impromptu haul post. Hope to talk again! <3

January 19, 2012

Blue Me Over

Oh hay again there! So as I write this post amidst a January snowstorm in Toronto, I'm posting about a look inspired by the warm gorgeousness I experienced in the Bahamas during Christmas! The sun, blue skies and clear waters were pretty much behind this look. It's been ridiculously long since I've posted a look so here you are! As tons of you guys are super nice and flatter me so much when you say you like my FOTDs!

Okay, maybe I bombarded you guys with pictures just a bit.

NARS Foundation Primer
MAC Matchmaster Foundation (This stuff looks good on camera!)
Makeup Forever Full Cover Concealer
Skinfood Peach Sake Powder

NARS Sertao Blush

NARS Smudgeproof Primer
MAC Sea Me Shadestick
Wet and Wild Pride Palette
Annabelle Shadow in Laguna
MAC Eyeshadows in Strike a Pose, Femme Fi and Deep Truth
Forever 21 Love & Beauty Cream Liner in Black
Estee Lauder Lash Primer and Bold Volume Mascara

Revlon Colorburst Lipstick in Mauve
MAC Partial to Pink Cremesheen Glass

That is it for my blues! Hope you liked it :)

PS. I've got a TON of posts that I've lined up. Stay tuned!

January 10, 2012

Vacation Haul!

Hello girlies! I know, it's been so long that the "New Post" button feels so unfamiliar to me. Long story short, I just got caught up on some major assignments and then went on vacation; Yay! I'm going to do another post on the vacation itself but I wanted to share with you the bit of goodies I got during Winter Break. I went for a nine day trip which included a seven night cruise! It was to the Bahamas and that place is gorgeous beyond words. Anyways, haul!

Goodies! Not a massive haul, but I got some things I really wanted.

Estee Lauder Travel Set:
This comes with a clear brow gel, a lash primer, a blue and two black mascaras. All for $20! How could I complain?

Bobbi Brown Travel Set
It's like magic! Could you tell that tiny little thing had 4 lip colors and 6 eyeshadows stuffed inside? I love that there's a tiny mirror and the eyeshadow is covered to prevent getting into the lipgloss!

Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Eau De Toilette
I'm sure by now, you might be aware that I love Chanel Chance. But Eau Tendre is much more sweet and less Citrus-y than the original and I can justify having both!

Michael Kors Wallet
I love the look of this wallet and at $100, it's not too expensive! I was thinking of the white leather one, but then my dad suggested this one haha.

Chloé Eau De Parfum
Man, my French speaking boyfriend keeps making fun of the way I say parfum. But whatever! Chloé is absolutely amazing and caught my nose with it's powdery-rose scent!

MAC Matchmaster Foundation
Review to come! This foundation is really cool because it's supposed to adapt to your undertones and it does actually do that. I'd say I like this, but not love it.

Hana Professional Flat Iron
I didn't buy this, but Misikko sent me this and it arrived literally two days before my vacation. I like this iron, but it definitely does a better job straightening than curling.

I also got a few pieces of bling at forever!

My boyfriend got me this heart shaped Swarovski necklace for Christmas and I LOVE it!

I also picked up some UGGS for myself from the outlet! Okay, I'm not the hugest fan of the way they look, but those babies are seriously warm and comfy. The Gucci bag in the picture is for my mommy's Christmas gift and the watch was my dads!

Thats it! Pretty much everything I purchased during the Christmas break, excluding some stuff from Victoria Secret, A&F, Forever 21... You know!

Anyways, hope you all had an amazing Christmas and a happy belated New Years!


All the products featured on this blog were purchased by me, unless otherwise stated. If a product was sent by a company, it will be stated within the post. All reviews are my very own personal opinion, and are not influenced by anybody or any company whatsoever. Please ask permission before taking any photos, as if I see my photo being used w/o permission, I will politely ask you to remove it. Thanks!


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